The Rancho in Russia
for Your Family

The GUEST_BOOK. To_read_more_conveniently, if to allocate the text The_Earth_for Your Rancho LIBRARY experience_and_documents for You The_Invitation. Updatings_Please My_Rancho and_Songs Found. Help!_Help!_Help! We_learn_You to fly Project PROSPECTS REAL_experience of_the_USA_in Chelyabinsk_for_Russia Urals_Mountains_2018 to_WINTER_OLYMPIAD The_Chelyabinsk_regional branch_RINGING_CEDARS of_Russia_the_all-Russian social_movement Vladimir Vysotsky Mihail Jvaneckiy Nanny School of Family About My The Photoalbum
Any road conducts in the house! This everyday true is fair always and everywhere. My Family, My The House - The Rancho, this Homeland, where the Person after study or works necessarily comes back, from business trip or from distant wanderings. Where the Person would be, naturally thinks of the Forefathers and Parents, about the Wife or the Husband, about the Children and Grandsons, about Friends and Neighbours.
Health and Love to You,
Happiness and good Lack,
Prosperities, well-being and Calmness.
With You gratitude and respect.
Yevgeniy Vostrikov
the coordinator of the Chelyabinsk regional branch.

My phones: +7 904-804-45-18.
My Email:

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